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Pervasive Telemetry Practices

Without metrics there are no Insights when you needs them, which results in confusing, loss of control, misplaced blame. Good Pervasive Telemetry Practices are:

  1. Make metrics it easy
    • Writing to and reading from metrics must be easy
    • Access to metrics must be easy and highly visible
      • Like a status page, so everyone can see & radiate all progress / change information transparently
  2. Monitor every source
    • Err on the side of too much monitoring
    • Collect metrics holistically (e.g. no separation between application and operations)
    • Extract metrics from logs => create statistics
      • Write all appropriate logs & use appropriate log levels
    • If it’s worth implementing, it’s worth monitoring (or not vice versa not).
      • Any new business functionality must result in appropriate new business metrics
      • Every Deployment Stage must have metrics
  3. Monitor every layer (4-Layer Architecture + Deployment)
    • Application layer metrics must contain resource use, auth, session, timing, ..
    • Business/Domain layer metrics must always map to business goal (or they are vanity = superfluous != useful <=> actionable)
    • Infra layer metrics must be relatable to services (so devs can understand them)
    • Deploy layer metrics, when related to the other metrics, put them into context of code deploys => allow devs to debug / work
